Steve Fenn - Data Visualization Architect

Steve Fenn is a data visualization architect who specializes in Tableau. In our conversation, he’ll talk about…

- The importance and usefulness of data visualization
- What Tableau is, how it’s used to create data viz, and why it’s popular
- Principles of good data viz
- Common mistakes he sees
- Good visualizations he’s created and mistakes he’s made
- His Tableau Development Academy

Show links
- Steve’s Tableau Development Academy
- Follow Steve on Twitter: @StatHunting
- Steve on LinkedIn
- Steve’s Tableau page
- Jimi Hendrix visualization
- Star Wars visualization
- MLS payroll visualization
- Makeover Monday
- Steve on John Burn-Murdoch’s visualization talk at the Sounders Analytics Conference
- Follow TruMedia on Twitter: @TruMediaSports

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